Another bottling by the people from Whisky-Doris. This time a 13 years old Glengoyne. Uncoloured and unchill-filtered as we like it.
Glengoyne 13 yo 1997 (46%, Whisky-Doris 2010, sherry butt, 120 btl.)
Nose: clean sherry with hints of walnut liqueur, lovely mirabelles and figs. Nice balance between sweet and sour notes and a faint yeasty undertone. Cinnamon. A floral note as well.
Mouth: sherry but not really thick or heavy. A lot of nutty aromas shine through, as well as a fair amount of wood, which makes it a tad dry and herbal. Big notes of (slightly bitter) orange peel and orange water.
Finish: medium length, dry, herbal yet still with a faint sour edge.
An interestingly different Glengoyne. I really like the profile even though the oak is very powerful. Available from Whisky-Doris for € 44.
Score: 86/100