HD & LP 38 yo 1983 (53,6%, TastToe 2022, 220 btl.)
Guyana / Diamond / Versailles REV 16 yo 2006 (57,4%, Nobilis Rum for TastToe 2023, 228 btl.)
Nicaraguan Rum 19 yo (61%, The Purist 2024, ex-cognac cask)
Long Pond 40 yo 1983 ‘Avarice’ (51,6%, Distilia ‘The Sins’ 2024, cask #1134, 203 btl.)
Long Pond 17 yo 2006 (60,1%, Zero Nine Spirits ‘Geisha’ for Clos des Spiritueux 2023, 288 btl.)
T.D.L. 14 yo 2009 (63%, The Roots for ‘Dram 4 ALS’ 2024, bourbon cask #4, 201 btl.)

Armagnac Laballe 1991 (45,2%, Journal des Kirsch 2023, Edition 4, 136 btl.)
Armagnac Aurian 45 yo 1977 (45,2%, Decadent Drinks 2024, 156 btl.)
Armagnac Aurian 40 yo 1983 (48,6%, Maltbarn 2023, Bonbonne #1)
Armagnac Castarède 36 yo 1986 (53,4%, Grape of the Art 2024, 246 btl.)
Armagnac Hontambère 39 yo 1983 (54,2%, Grape of the Art 2024, 249 btl.)

Balblair 1983 (46%, OB 2013, 1st release) – 89/100

Karuizawa 27 yo ‘Multi-vintages #1’ (59,1%, OB 2011, sherry butt & bourbon casks #6405, 4973, 8184, 6437, 1500 btl.) – 91/100